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Porchside Indoor/Outdoor Dog Double DinerGet yours today!!
Porschide Indoor/Outdoor Dog Double Diner$89.95 SALE Your Porchside Double Dog Diner is a must have. If you prefer your dog diner to be outdoor, you will love the design of this double dog diner. With a height of under 5 inches from the ground, your small dog will be comfortable eating from the small elevated dog double diner. Your large dog will also find it easy to eat from the 12 inches high elevated large dog diner. Environmentalists are glad that this indoor/outdoor porchside raised dog diner is made from 100% recycled plastic. You can leave your dog diner outside in all weather conditions without fear of causing any harm. Available as a black or white dog diner, this porchside outdoor dog diner will fit the decor of any household. It is a great way to feed your dog food and water in one location. Your porchside indoor/outdoor dog double diner comes with stainless steel dog bowls and it is a dog diner made in USA.
Black and white outdoor dog double diner See the dimensions of your dog double diner below the order box