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Wooden Cat and Dog Double DinerA Fantastic Deal!!
Wooden Cat and Dog Double Diner$58.97
Finally!! You have found the right cat and dog double diner for your cat or extra small dog. Whether you are looking for dog diner dishes to function as a two dog diner or your search is for a wooden cat diner, you will love the simple design of your stainless steel double diner for your pet. This is an elegant stainless steel double diner that has 1/2 pint stainless steel feeding bowls and is only 2" tall. You will also be glad to know that your cat or small dog feeding dish weighs 2 lbs. The feeding dish for your dog or cat is nestled in a wooden base made from real ash wood. Each piece of your wooden cat diner is joined together through a dove-tail making it a sturdy dog double diner or cat feeding dish. Also, the unique patterns of the natural grains in the wood enhance the look of your stainless steel double dog diner. So your cat feeding dish / cat diner / cat bowl is elegantly seated in the ash wood base and functions as a dog bowl, small dog feeding dish, two dog diner as well as a cat and dog diner.
Straight and angular view of your cat / dog feeding dish Your wooden cat and dog diner is made in the USA. Specifications: 9 1/2" x 5" x 2" tall;