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Dog Bed Lounges/TentAccept no substitutes!!
Rest A Pet Dog Lounge Bed and Dog TentFree Shipping Dog Beds Galore offers these Rest A Pet dog bed lounges and dog tents for the superb comfort of your dog. They are exclusive Rest-A-Pet Lounge dog beds, from the inventors SummerwindsBis. Whether you need the dog tent or a dog lounge bed, your dog tents and dog lounges offer the best in materials and construction. Both the dog lounge bed and the dog tent are made from furniture-grade PVC. The PVC material used to make your dog lounge is stronger and more durable than the stuff under your sink! Also, the highest quality vinyl, textylene, and outdoor fabrics are used in making these raised lounge dog beds and dog tents. Looking for a sturdy and comfortable dog tent bed?
Accept NO SUBSTITUTE dog tent or dog bed lounge for the comfort and safety of your pet! Your dog lounge bed is simply ideal for indoors or outdoors. Made of 1-1/4" furniture grade PVC, your dog bed lounges and tents are safe, sturdy, and ultra-durable! These dog lounges are also elevated dog beds, standing 12" in height, except the 20"x24" dog lounge (8" high) and the 40"x62" dog lounge bed (14" high). The dog bed lounges and dog tents are available in three different fabrics. The textylene fabric is cream colored with green tropical leaf pattterns. Your textylene dog lounge fabric is also a PVC coated polyester woven fabric that allows excellent air circulation in your dog lounge bed and will not hold moisture. This dog lounge bed is also available in solid blue or green vinyl fabric that is easily cleaned, while the soft plush and comfortable fleece fabric is ideal for arthritic and older dogs. The fleece fabric on your dog lounge bed is machine washable and has a strong nylon-reinforced underside. It is a warm and cozy dog lounge bed.
Best of all, there is absolutely nowhere for pesky fleas or other intruders to hide in your pet dog lounge bed! From the smallest pet to the largest pet, we have a dog tent or dog lounge bed size for all!
In the box below, you can order the dog lounge separately from the dog tent top. For the dog lounge combined with the dog tent top, click this complete dog tent link. If you need a dog replacement cover for the dog lounge bed, click the link below. Prices: For the Dog Lounge Bed prices Free Shipping