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Dog Schoolgirl SweaterGet your dog sweater now!!
Dog Schoolgirl Sweater$25.95
FREE SHIPPING What a wonderful dog sweater!! If you ever wanted to see your dog in a dog sweater and a dog skirt, you will love this dog sweater. It is a sweater for your dog that combines a dog sweater top with a dog skirt bottom. Looking for a small sweater for your tiny dog? This dog schoolgirl sweater is available as a dog sweater xxs, a dog sweater xs, a small dog sweater and a medium dog sweater.
Your dog sweater is also available as a pink / red dog sweater. So why not dress up your dog in its dog schoolgirl sweater? You will see your dog wearing a skirt along with the pink / red dog sweater. It is specially delightful to see your dog in a sweater if it's the dog initial sweater. This dog sweater outfit looks great on your tiny dog or your medium size dog. Your dog schoolgirl sweater is a cozy fleece dog sweater. You will just love the pink / red color of the cozy fleece sweater top and the plaid dog skirt bottom. The dog skirt bottom is made with 100% cotton.