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Soft Plush Pillow Dog BedGet one today!
Soft Plush Pillow Dog Bed$35.97
So you are looking for a soft and plush rectangular dog bed? This pillow dog bed is a plush dog bed with an attractive fabric cover that easily blends with your house decor. Your dog will find its bed pillow extremely comfortable. Whether you need a small dog pillow or an extra large dog pillow, your soft dog bed is designed to be a flexible and sturdy pillow dog bed. It is also an easily washable dog pillow bed. The pillow case on this rectangular dog bed is zippered and removable so you can wash the bed whenever there is a need. It is a machine washable pillow dog bed. Your soft plush and washable pillow dog bed is available in four sizes and three color variations. The classic print woven fabric of the brown or the blue cover gives this pillow dog bed added appeal.
Small pillow dog bed: 24" x 18" PLEASE NOTE: Due to the limitations of digital imaging and the color settings on your monitor, the colors shown may not be exact.